My Greek Ancestry
The Genetic History of Greece
The Genetic History of Greece
The genetic history of Greece and its people has been a topic of interest since ancient times. From Homer and the Olympic Games to Alexander the Great and Mithridates VI of Pontus, Greeks have been obsessed with tracing their ancestry. Find out the genetic history of Greece, from ancient times through to today.
The genetic history of Greece – the ancient Minoans and Mycenaeans
The Minoans are the first known civilization in Europe, between approx. 2,700 BC – 1,100 BC, and were from the island of Crete. During the height of their civilization they controlled much of the Aegean, but where did they come from? Thanks to ancient DNA, we find that 62-86% of their ancestry is derived from early European farmers in approx. 5,000 BC, arriving from Anatolia.

The later Mycanaean civilization from the Greek mainland, which flourished between 1,600 – 1,100 BC, is often credited with being the first Greek civilization. Both the Minoan and Mycanaean civilizations however, have close DNA links. They both have 9-17% genetic ancestry from the Caucasus and/or Iran.
The Mycenaeans’ genetic difference though was that they possessed 4-16% DNA from Eastern Europe and/or Siberia, suggesting that the wave of migration from the north east didn’t reach Crete.

The genetic history of Greece and its colonies
Predominantly between 750 BC – 550 BC the ancient Greeks set up colonies in modern day Spain, France, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Libya, and Egypt. Then with Alexander the Great’s Hellenistic Empire some 200 years later, Greeks reached as far east as modern day Pakistan and India. This spread the Greek genetic make-up far and wide. Although over time, many of these colonies eventually integrated with the local people and a distinct Greek DNA presence is no longer evident. The exceptions are in Southern Italy, Albania, and Turkey. You will find many genealogists and DNA organisations group Greek DNA with DNA present in these three areas as a result of the similarity.

The genetic history of Greece from the time of Homer
The practice of tracing one’s ancestry is said to have first been used in Homer’s epic poems around 800 BC. Homer developed genetic concepts for the purpose of tracing the ancestry of ancient Greek heroes to the gods, often as an explanation for their extraordinary achievements. Hesiod continued referring to genetics throughout his poems around 700 BC. With the father of History – Herodotus, a slightly more scientific approach was taken to tracing genetics. Herodotus used his method of “inquiry” whereby he would investigate the ancestry of individuals by seeking information from relevant individuals, comparing notes with his own knowledge and experiences, and testing the probability of myths and legends.

The genetic requirement of the ancient Olympic Games
Besides the requirements of being free (not a slave) and a male, participants of the ancient Olympic Games were required to prove their Greek ancestry. The most famous case of this occurring was with Alexander I of Macedon (not to be confused with his descendant – Alexander the Great). Alexander I of Macedon was the first recorded Macedonian to participate in the ancient Olympic Games and did so by tracing his ancestry to the royal lineage of Argos – the Argead dynasty.
Alexander the Great’s ancestry
Many ancient kings traced their ancestry to the gods, as a way of legitimising their rule. Alexander the Great who lived between 356 BC – 323 BC, possessed royal Macedonian ancestry on his father’s side and royal Epirot ancestry on his mother’s side. As a member of the ancient Macedonian Argead dynasty, Alexander claimed ancestry to the demigod Heracles (Hercules) from his father – Phillip II. From his mother – Olympia, who hailed from the Molossian dynasty of Epirus, Alexander claimed ancestry to the Trojan hero Achilles.

Mithridates VI of Pontus’ ancestry
Whether true or used as a propaganda tool to appease the population of his empire, Mithridates claimed ancestry from legendary Greek and Persian rulers including Alexander the Great and Cyrus the Great. What is known for certain, is that Mithridates was a descendant of the famous member of the Diadochi and general to Alexander the Great – Seleucus I Nicator.

The genetic history of Greece today
Contrary to popular beliefs, the DNA of modern Greeks is closely linked to that of the ancient Mycenaeans who lived 3,000-5,000 years ago! Greeks today, share similar DNA to the Myceneans with the addition of DNA from later migrations. The relatively continuous genetic history of Greece is remarkable considering Greece has been invaded and occupied by Romans, Frank and Latin Crusaders, Slavs, Bulgars, Venetians, Ottomans, Italians, and Nazis over the centuries.
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